Jumat, 20 Juni 2008

Big Bang, Beginning of The Universe

The universe as we see today is growing from a generally accepted theory event in the space-time called "Big Bang", which is about 13.7 billion years old.
We have found that clusters of galaxies, including our own, was brought back from each other. A common analogy for our expansion of the universe is a spotted balloon is blown. As the balloon expands, so that even the distance between the spots. This increased distance is obvious and clearly the case when the many clusters of galaxies in our universe.
We observe the galaxies recede from us and believe us as stationary, but this is only our relative view of the universe. For example, a galaxy of us back to a set of 'X' km / sec would our galaxy away from saying that at the same speed. Some galaxies do not recede from each other because their gravity keeps them together. These are the groups called galactic clusters.
If another galaxy, the speed increases in relation to its distance from our own Milky Way, the galaxy will inevitably other, "lightspeed" and in fact no longer be observed. This distance, the limit of the observable universe, is not the end of the universe itself, but it is assumed that somewhere in the region from 15 to 20 billion light years away, a distance we have yet to penetrate.
In 1929 Edwin Hubble, an American astronomer, discovered that all the galaxies around us were, because light analyses of each galaxy was red-shifted (the absorption lines were shifted to the red side of the spectrum, an effect known as the Doppler effect indicating that the lights were off our galaxy). Edwin suspected that the further the galaxy, the faster its recession of the earth, this was known as the Hubble constant (Ho).
The equation for the Hubble constant (Ho = v / d) is simple in form, but very difficult to specify because the figures are largely inaccurate (v is a galaxy's radial velocity to the outside world, ie the movement of the galaxy from our Line - of-view and d galaxy is that the distance from the Earth). An accurate results based on the accuracy of the values for v, (d more difficult since the two reliable distance markers - such as variable stars and supernovae - must be found in galaxies to determine their distances).
Even today a precise figure for the Hubble constant may not be agreed. Two teams of researchers in the search for the Hubble constant have conflicting results. The first team - in connection with Allan Sandage of the Carnegie Institutions - has received a value of 57 km / sec / Mpc with type 1a supernovae. The second team - in connection with Wendy Freedman of the same institution - has a value of about 70 km / sec / Mpc Cepheids and with the Hubble Space Telescope.
The structure of the universe is not fully known. Are there any limits? Stephen Hawking believes that the universe is finite or infinite in size. One could Keep on Moving in one direction and finally at the end to the same place. As an analogy, if you went in a straight line to earth, would you finally back on the same point where you started.

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