Selasa, 17 Juni 2008

Young Galaxies Viewed Closer to Creation

If you get the seal are not yet perfected. They are "young" compared to the duration, you as the perfect years. Just as your own youth is the youth of galaxies, astronomers have recently found.

If you sealed God writes his name on you. If you take God's name you expect years of growth to be earned, and God, his glory in the world.

Some of the glory of God is shown that the world is now - is the glory of "out of this world." And yet the glory of heaven to watch us a lot about the majesty of God and his creation.

An international team of astronomers finished a project on which they planned for years. They had the difficult task of securing the world's largest telescopes all night every night almost 2 weeks.

And that is how long they looked a little small section of the night sky - 92 hours in that place. As a result, hire a photo expose quite a long time. You could see very faint objects from very far away.

These objects are thought of as a "teenager" galaxies, or "baby" galaxies. They are seen as proto-galaxies, the early galaxies, the mature adults in the galaxies we know it today.

Light seems to us to travel quickly. But it takes a long time to travel the great distance of the known universe. The light caught in the eye of this study is said to be 11 billion years old or more.

That is a long time. More than man can easily understand. But it is an indication of the promise of eternity. Forever is much more than 11 billion years. Forever is infinite.

This light 11 billion years old light of only 2 billion years after the alleged "Big Bang, the theoretical, even if the universe exploded into life. Light is this old, when galaxies were still forming.

This study will tell scientists a lot about how the universe formed. This is good knowledge to have, because they help us to understand God's creation of the universe, and the knowledge of God's creation can only help people.

And scientists believe this result as "unprecedented" in size. Never before have astronomers will be able to look back at the building blocks of galaxies, which requires considerable depth of observation.

The research is planned for publication in the March 2008 issue of the Astrophysical Journal, and some scientists have heated arguments for 30 years on the origin of the universe.

But you know that the ultimate origin of all is God. He created the universe and the small world in which we now call home. With a view far back into the past is an awesome experience a sense of the scope of God's infinite nature.

And there is more than just an experience. The more we understand how the universe is God, the more knowledge we can to benefit us in the present. Science will solve a lot of problems.

Speaking of solutions, God wants you solve a problem. The problem is that you do not always close to Him, and this is the generation of the devil. But you can all that today.

You can now closer to God and experience some of the reverence of His creation and His eternal presence. You can win the victory over the devil and closer to God by the label.

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