Sabtu, 21 Juni 2008

The End Of The Universe - Big Crunch Or Big Bang?

Scientist working on the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) in Ontario, Canada have finally revealed the fate of the universe ...
They have managed to calculate the mass of the elusive neutrino particle and have found that the sum of the masses of the colossal amount of neutrinos in our universe is not enough to end a universal expansion. The universe is destined to expand forever, until there was a cold, dark place, free from all signs of life.

What is a neutrino anyway?
Technically a neutrino is a lepton with zero-tax, half of spin and a very small mass, which only interacts with other particles by weak interaction. Its existence was first postulated by Wolfgang Pauli to the lack of energy in the beta decay. It is suspected that neutrinos make up a large part of the dark matter in our universe. Neutrinos come in three types: electron, muon and tau.
The physicist working on the project was an attempt to explain the problem of missing solar neutrinos. The nuclear reaction heats the sun emit a large amount of electron neutrinos, but experiments find that only a fraction of the expected amount of electron neutrinos reaching Earth.

The experiments in Sudbury shown that neutrinos can oscillate between the various species to the discrepancy in the amount of electron neutrinos. This interesting discovery is far-reaching, that means that the direct evidence for solar neutrino transformation also points out that neutrinos have mass, and by combining this with information previously provided, it is possible to set a ceiling for the sum of the known neutrino masses. According to Scott Tremaine, a professor of astrophysical sciences at Princeton University, "This is the last clue, we must determine the fate of the universe".

Missing Mass
In order for the universe to stop expansion and eventually contract to a "big crunch", the mass of the universe must have a certain value. The stars and galaxies in the universe detectable by our telescopes and instruments, only a small fraction of this total mass, a claim clearly supported by indirect evidence such as the rotation of galaxies.
Therefore, neutrinos were thought to a large part of the dark matter in the universe. But with an upper limit for its mass, the total mass of the universe can not reach the critical level, so that our universe will certainly expand to infinity, with all of its remaining consequences.
If the "big crunch" model is discarded, the universe is predicted to expand to a diffuse, dark nothing during the successive degenerate black hole and dark periods. Planets of stars are resolved, which in turn evaporate of galaxies. The proton decay, all the stars run out of fuel and are engulfed by black holes, which radiate all of their masses and leave the universe is a huge, cold, sterile place.

Update to the article:
The Ontario research is no last word. A new force called "dark energy" is known to push clusters of galaxies apart and their composition is unknown. This could also be an impact on the fate of the universe. In addition, astrophysics constants like the fine structure constant (alpha) slowly over time. At some point, like a constant or an α-particle mass disintegration past May at a critical point and universal matter would disintegrate. Whatever happens will not happen during our lives or our children, and hence there is no reason for concern - although scientists can a black hole capable of swallowing the earth.

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