Jumat, 20 Juni 2008

X-Ray Background, Everpresent Noise

X-ray background Mystery Resolved
In astronomy, high energy prices, each photon counts, and the background events were as big as a secret of the objects in the foreground. In the X-ray astronomy in particular, the unexplained "noise" takes the form of a diffuse and apparently quite significant background, where the detector points.
A component flows evenly from all directions in the sky, while another strongly correlated with the disk of the Milky Way, so that we will probably see two different phenomena and have at least two puzzles. Recently, astronomers using a new instrument in the form of the Chandra X-Ray Observatory, which has in the investigation of the sharpest x-ray vision ever.
The first secret is relatively close at hand, namely the magnitude of "only" tens of thousands of light years away within our own Milky Way. Astronomers see that the thin disk of our galaxy bright lights in high energy or "hard", x-rays. Until now, no x-ray telescope could, if these emissions came from many individual stellar sources such as neutron stars or if it is through the room.
An international team led by Dr. Ken Ebisawa from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center to Chandra for a long look at a region of the galactic plane in the constellation Scutum. What they see in the highest resolution x-ray image ever taken is that 90% of the total emission is really something diffuse and by the level of the galaxy. That something most likely to hot ionized gas or plasma, when "hot" puts it mildly to radiate in the x-ray band, the plasma would probably have dozens of millions of degrees.
But that only leads to another series of questions: Where did the plasma came from and why they stay on the narrow disk? The hot gas has more than enough energy to escape the gravitational pull of the galaxy, something needs to be limited. Not knowing where it comes from or what does it mean that astronomers are not on one of the most energetic processes in our own neighborhood. But they are never short of theories. That the ionized gas may be a big hint. Dr. Ebisawa pointed out that ionized gas, where the outer electrons have been stripped off the atoms from a net positive charge could then only through a magnetic field.
In addition, if Chandra shows the emission as a diffuse, it is by no means uniform. It is clumpy, and some patches of higher intensity are suspiciously close supernova remnants suspected. These powerful explosions could well be the source of plasma, but none of the many models of supernova pattern is still itself from the pack by providing a testable statement. The new data have only one observational uncertainty, so that the real physics behind to be discovered.
The unaccounted for 10% of their data seems to be far short of gas in the galactic plane, and it is part of the second secret, component, which uniformly in all directions. In contrast to the cosmic microwave background (in brief, the fugitive remained heat from the "Big Bang"), these x-ray background is not to explain every theory about the origins of the universe. Nor can it be explained by the adoption of a uniform distribution of objects similar to what we have already solved in the area, there are not enough sources to explain the amount of radiation we see in the distance.
Also, two independent teams of astronomers recently Chandra pointed to a few apparently empty piece of the sky for low exposures of 500000 and one million seconds. Now known as the Chandra Deep Fields North and South, everyone is in reality a window from our own galaxy with a view to the more distant universe.
In this case, however, the issue turns out to be due to the many different sources of X-rays, which have been identified as distant quasars by signing energy spectra. Quasars are the very bright cores of galaxies some of the spew out large quantities of high-energy radiation, so much radiation, it can only because of a black hole many millions of times the mass of the sun. The average distance from these sources means that they represent the universe as it was when much younger, just a few billion years old from its current estimated age of 15 billion years.
This result is surprising consequences for the astronomers to understand the evolution of galaxies. He says that it is much more quasars seen in the past than now, increasing the big question: What happens to them? The implication is that quasars may be a stage of galaxy evolution, even by the apparently normal galaxies like ours in May passed.
These galaxies have their headquarters in the port of supermassive black holes, only now the black holes are quiet, perhaps because after a few billion years gobbling up everything in reach, there are no more material near enough to feed them. The Chandra data significantly strengthens this evolutionary view that the most normal galaxies can essentially "fossil quasars.
But the solution to the mystery of observations has further questions for astronomers. Among them is the question of what came first, the galaxy or black hole? Was the black hole born in the dense center of a galaxy existing, or has the galaxy form around a "seed capital" black hole? If the latter, where did the seed black holes come from? Although uncertainty has been observational rest of the x-ray background, astronomers are still a lot to learn from the "noise".

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